Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy 17th!!!!!!!!

I will never forget the day you were born. I felt so old--I had a NIECE! It was quite scary! And now, you are all grown up and getting ready to embark on adult life. I really feel old. :-) Enjoy these last few years of "childhood". You will never get them back! Stay the sweet, gracious, godly young lady your parents have reared you to be and you will have no regrets! Love you, Cuteness, have an awesome day!
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Friday, October 07, 2011

I would like you to meet---

Mrs. Ruth Bixby, the Pilgrim!   Her husband (Papi) and her children (Micaiah and Zacherie) were not available for the picture. The grandmother (yours truly!) took the picture.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Our "Secret" Project!

 What started out by a simple "let's fix the broken chair" turned into a big project.  Micaiah and Miriam were all into it and really, really worked hard.  We stripped off the old material, flipped the bottoms and fixed the broken one, and covered the chairs with material from "Grandma Morgan's attic" :-) (now Mimi  Bixby's garage!), cleaned the chairs and voilĂ !

We agreed to keep the secret and wait until Mommy and Daddy  saw the chairs.  But we didn't have to wait for long...Tim saw it as soon as they walked in.  New chairs for 1 euro and a fun project with the grandkids.

Eating Yogurt with Papi!