Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mon cartable

One of Micaiah's first school projects has been memorizing the first two stanzas of this poem in French.

Mon cartable a mille odeurs,
mon cartable sent la pomme,
le livre, l'encre, la gomme
et les crayons de couleurs.

Mon cartable sent l'orange,
le bison et le nougat,
il sent tout ce que l'on mange
et ce qu'on ne mange pas.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Matthew Beards!

Here is a picture of your cousin Matt (and wife Christine), your cousins once-removed Ashlie and Stephen (and his wife Killian) and your second cousin, Kasey. Hey, did I get that right?

Happy Anniversary!

Has it really been 9 years? How time flies!
Enjoy your first anniversary in the romantic
country of France, on the continent where it all started!
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

St. Louis

Finding we had some unexpected "free" time on our hands, we went on Priceline and got a hotel for 2 nights in St. Louis. We were surprised that we got a "long stay" Marriott Residence (small studio) but we didn't complain. We have had a good time and are now packing up to head to Arkansas. Sure wish some of the rest of you would blog!! We miss you :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rockford Evening--

Do you think we have been here tooooo often? :-)


We had a special treat last night-- we got to be the first official guests at the Dan Bixby's new home!!! It is beautiful and is already looking great. (In deference to the lady of the house, we won't post any inside pictures until she gets it decorated!) But the cherry on the top of the cheesecake (which Brenda served for dessert-yum!) was seeing the kids and their parents. We had a great supper out on the porch and then an intense game of checkers :-) Everyone had to go separate ways in the morning but we loved the short visit.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day of Visiting!!!

Great day visiting old friends. Thought you would enjoy seeing pictures. The top picture is the Hoijer family and then Debbie Vickery Olson with her husband. Their son Benjamin is only 9 and bigger than most 12 year olds!! They all send their greetings to all of you! We had two super meals and enjoyed the catching up time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rockford Welcoming Committee!

I made this sign to welcome Mamie and Papi. They liked it and I was just finishing when they drove in!
Posted by Patience

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Grandma and some of her kids!

Last night Lois had all the siblings in town over for a picnic. There were 7 of the 10 kids present but Aunt Theresa and I were the only spouses! :-) We had a great time together---eating, playing catch phrase and then singing and reading together.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

What we were surprised to find in our neighborhood...

Last night we were getting ready to eat outside when our neighbor called over the fence...
and there was a HUGE big balloon right above our houses!!
So we joined in following it until it finally landed about 2 miles away.
It was fun to see them land and take down that HUGE balloon in a matter of minutes!

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

He Made It!!!

Visit with Old Friends

Monday evening, Brian, Jo, Stefan and I went to Oxford, MA to have supper with the Wolpert clan. We were at Marlene's home and all three of her boys were there (one with his wife and two children). Gary and Sue came down from NH. Marlene had gone the day before to pick up her father, Dick, from E. Longmeadow. So it was a walk down memory lane. Dick is 91 and as sharp and witty as ever. We all had a great time. The Morgans and Wolperts have been friends for 60 years--- just because they were friendly neighbors when we moved in next door to them.