Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Miriam's Birthday in Paris

Well, we have a little 7-year-old who thoroughly enjoyed her birthday. Once again, it fell just after the start of winter vacation, and so she didn't have any school. To top it all off, we had a guest from the States, Mark Ring, with us for the day who hadn't yet seen any of the sites in Paris. So Tim and the "big kids", a.k.a. M & M, got to spend the day visiting the Eiffel Tower, walking down the Champs Elysées, and taking a boat ride on the Seine. It was a birthday present that fit just right for this little girl!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mommy stayed home to care for the "little ones" and to make the birthday meal and cake. The chicken pot pie was just coming out of the oven as they walked in the door. So we had a great evening fellowshipping together, and a highlight for Miriam was receiving her very own Bible in French (and it's PINK, to boot!), something for which she's been asking for several months now. The timing fell just right as she is becoming quite the little reader. She has read the first several verses of Psalm 107 to us several times since. (The verse she is memorizing for Sunday School comes from that chapter, hence the immediate attachment! :) We all adore our sole little princess, and are glad for all the rose-colored pleasures she brings to our mostly blue home.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Miriam is 7!!

Happy, happy birthday to our sweet toothless 7 year old!  We love you so much, Miriam.  I wish we could be there for your birthday dinner, but I know it will be special.  Lots of hugs and kisses!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Malta and the Apostle Paul!

One of the special things about going to Malta was to realize that the Apostle Paul had actually been there (never been to Israel :-)).  On Thursday we took a bus tour to see the tiny island where the boat traditionally was shipwrecked.  Then we visited some catacombs where (again traditionally) he stayed for the 3 months while on the Island.  As you can see, Dad even got to shake his hand!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweet Olivia!

I had to post this picture because it still captures the essence of her amazing personality!
Love you, Olivia, and thankful for the joy and excitement with which you face life even as a baby.  You have certainly brought lots of joy to all of us. 

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Happy BIRTH day, Gabriel!

So, so happy that you decided to be born today!!  Welcome to the family!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Zacharie talks to Grandma

After Miriam finished telling Grandma about her missing tooth, Zacharie wanted to chit-chat a bit as well. We thought it was pretty cute and decided to share a little of it with you. He really is starting to burst verbally (relatively speaking, of course). He's added quite a few words to his vocabulary just since we arrived here.

She sure sounds silly when she says her "s's"

She's been knowing it was gonna happen soon, but a pork chop for dinner and a little help from Daddy made it so that tonight was the night! Miriam is now missing a front tooth. :) (Her third tooth to lose in all--first one on the top.)