Monday, May 04, 2009

McDo's French Style!

"France has a dirty little secret. Despite its role as the defender of healthy eating in the world against “la malbouffe américaine”1 (American bad eating habits), the country also claims the title as the #1 consumer of McDonald’s products in all of Europe! In fact, the biggest restaurant chain in France is McDonald’s! Does this mean that the French are actually all addicted to Big Macs and super-sized fries? And how do they still stay so thin with all of this grease flowing through their veins?

Drive Thru Service, French Style!

Drive Thru Service, French Style!

As an American living in France, I must admit that McDonald’s burgers all seem to have a fresher, juicier taste over here. I personally believe this is because McDonald’s France has always committed itself to acquiring its raw ingredients (buns, meat, produce, etc.) from local French providers as much as possible. Not only does this cut down on street protests, but the beef, chicken and potatoes also most likely originated in some French farmer’s backyard and are therefore so much tastier."

copied from the blog "Agathoune!" Hope that isn't illegal but I did so think you would get a charge out of it!


Mom and Dad said...

btw, Tim and Ruth, I have learned a lot on this site--not christian but interesting!

Donna said...

Hilarious! :-)

TimBix said...

Go McDo!