Monday our little guy turned 8 months old! He's also been needing a haircut, and so, remembering how I looked back at Micaiah's pictures and couldn't believe I had waited so long to cut my baby's hair, I decided it was time! (Although, the hair in the eyes was the biggest deal with Zacharie. With Micaiah there was no danger of hair getting in the eyes since it all stuck straight up! :) The haircut was pretty quick and simple, as he was well-entertained by a cartoon and his father. Other new landmarks are his two bottom teeth. Along with his teeth has come a new love for the pacifier, which he had positively refused before. All around, he is a very happy little boy, and is increasingly more interested in all that is going on around him. Our baby is growing up!

Nice work! Wow - he's getting so big!
So cute! He is getting so big. I think Olivia is just starting the process of teething.
Oh, what a DOLL! Can't believe he's old enough for a haircut already!!!
Oh, our baby boy looks too big!!! Can't wait to see him. Give him a kiss from Papi and Mimi in Genova, Italy.:-)
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