33! Wow! How time does fly. I still remember when you were the "new" baby in the family :-) You have become a wonderful young man since that day. We love you and are so thrilled that we get to celebrate "for real" with you tonight.
This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
Happy birthday, dear bro. Love you dearly and wish I were there to celebrate with you. I'm sure, however, that between your dear wife and your dear children and your dear mother and father that the day will be special!
The day is over there, but I hope you had a great one! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Tim! We love you!
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