Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Miriam's Birthday in Paris

Well, we have a little 7-year-old who thoroughly enjoyed her birthday. Once again, it fell just after the start of winter vacation, and so she didn't have any school. To top it all off, we had a guest from the States, Mark Ring, with us for the day who hadn't yet seen any of the sites in Paris. So Tim and the "big kids", a.k.a. M & M, got to spend the day visiting the Eiffel Tower, walking down the Champs Elysées, and taking a boat ride on the Seine. It was a birthday present that fit just right for this little girl!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mommy stayed home to care for the "little ones" and to make the birthday meal and cake. The chicken pot pie was just coming out of the oven as they walked in the door. So we had a great evening fellowshipping together, and a highlight for Miriam was receiving her very own Bible in French (and it's PINK, to boot!), something for which she's been asking for several months now. The timing fell just right as she is becoming quite the little reader. She has read the first several verses of Psalm 107 to us several times since. (The verse she is memorizing for Sunday School comes from that chapter, hence the immediate attachment! :) We all adore our sole little princess, and are glad for all the rose-colored pleasures she brings to our mostly blue home.


Bob Bixby said...

Happy Birthday, Miriam! Patience wanted to call you but by the time she got back home from school we knew you would already be in bed!

P.S. Ruth, for some reason, I can't see the pictures here.

TRBix said...

Take 2 on the pics. Working now?

We'll have to try again soon for the phone call!

mom said...

I see the pictures! Looks like a b'day to remember-- what girl would not love a day in Paris no matter what birthday it was! I bet everyone will know she has a new Bible because it really, really is PINK! Give her a hug and kiss from us.

U. Steve said...

Wow! Happy birthday Miriam. You look sooooooooo much like your dear aunt Donna.

johanna said...

OH what a perfect birthday for a little princess! I'm so glad she had such a wonderful day. Pictures are great!

Donna said...

How did i miss this? It's been a stressful couple of weeks. So sorry. Love the cute cake--and what a special Paris birthday!!!!! Love my little munchkin. Bisous.