We surprised everyone (including ourselves!) and came back to Greenville Sunday night. We went a total of 3,500 miles on the first trip and we needed to unload the car and re-organize before heading north again. It was a great trip. After being with the family in Illinois and Minnesota, we went to Michigan. We stayed with the Gearharts in Flint (no picture :-( ) and enjoyed the company of Mary's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Cummins. We also had a brunch with the DeVores--JoJeanne and her husband and family live in the same neighborhood, so they were there, too. That is her baby that I am holding. We were surprised to find out that Rebekah and her husband are faithful members at Faith. We took them out to lunch so we could get to know Jeff. They are a sweet couple.
Next we headed to Grand Rapids to see the Elmers. Aunt Cheryl organized an Old CARer's meal. It was lots of fun. Besides the Elmers and us, Aunt Clarissa was there (77 years old), Dick and Nancy Teachout and Larry and Sally Fogle. The only non-old-african missionary present was Donella, a friend of Donna's who recently moved to GR to work with Bibles International. (that is where they all work now!)

It was a delightful evening of cathcing up on each other. Elmers, Teachouts and we were at candidate seminar together 37 years ago!
The next evening we had supper out at Vicky's. Her husband is a farmer. They have three children and a foster child who they have had from birth. Shawn and his wife were there and then Lane and family came for dessert. They have 7 children (one was not there). It was so much fun to be with them again and to see them as adults. They send their greetings to you all. As always, we had a wonderful time with Uncle Eric and Aunt Cheryl.