Saturday, June 24, 2006

Business in Lincoln

Well, we just got back from our trip to Lincoln, NE. While we don't recommend Lincoln as the city with the most things to do, I think the family managed to have a good time. While Daniel worked all day, the kids swam. They pretty much had the pool to themselves. On the way home we stopped at the Omaha Zoo and had a wonderful time. We highly recommend it. Definately the best zoo we've ever been too. Brenda even liked it better than the San Diego zoo, though the rest of us can't compare it to that. I'll let the kids tell you what their highlights were.

I liked to pet the goat.

My favorite thing to do was to go swimming and going to the zoo. We watched lots of movies on our way there and our way back. Dad bought us a PS2 World Cup 2006 game and we played quite a bit of that. And I beat him in it today (France 2, England 1)!!!!

Our cool hotel and the van with the DVD player were awesome. The zoo was really fun and we got to see a lot of animals we had never seen. We got to eat out at restaurants every single night, which was a lot of fun (not having to do dishes!). The hotel had a kitchen so we at our lunches there.

As you can see, we had a lot of fun. Posted by Picasa


Daniel said...

We forgot to tell you that we went on this little train thing to go around the zoo.
- Ben

JennieB said...

Glad to see that you all had alot of fun! Was Brenda's favorite thing the minivan?? the Suite? or the quiet pool side? Can't wait to see all of your pictures soon.

TRBix said...

What a blast!!! Boy, is Isa ever looking older!

So ... did we get used to the whole mini-van thing? Is it in the D. Bixby family's future? Of course, now only one with a DVD player will do!

Aunt B said...

Oh YEAH! It was a beautiful thing to hear in the van----silence. No fighting, no bickering, no nothing! The bonus was that with their earphones on, they couldn't hear Daniel and I talk, it was like we were alone!!!! LOVELY!!! I really would love one of these vans. It would be great. But van or trip to France, that is the question?!

Aunt B said...

We had such a great vacation. Poor Daniel had to get up and be at work by 8:00, and didn't get back to the hotel until 5:30, but the kids and I had a ball. We had the pool to ourselves every day. I sat and read books. Lincoln isn't the most exciting town in the world, but I was able to sniff out a fantastic mall. We kept the van one day so I could shop. It was even better when I found a Starbucks! The hotel coffee was pretty bad. We found a little candy shop and the kids each got to pick out one thing. That was a pretty big deal. Oh, when we didn't think our vacation could get any better (after the zoo), we found a CHEESECAKE FACTORY on the way home for supper! Oh happy day! I think we were in Des Moines, Iowa. WAHOO! We're spoiled!

Mom and Dad said...

Sounds like you all had lots of fun! We are spending lots and lots of time in the car, too...but no dvd's and no computer games! All I can do is Sudoku and Poppa doesn't like that because I "ignore" him!