That was Micaiah's breakfast announcement to us this morning. We had a great time yesterday. We celebrated with Auntie Donna, Auntie Jo, Mr. Brian, Miss Amy & Miss Jeanine. We enjoyed homemade pizza and a choo-choo train birthday cake (although Micaiah had a hard time seeing how the frosting blob in the middle of the cake looked like a train--OK, so my artistic abilities more closely resemble Picaso than Rembrandt). We all enjoyed the celebration, and our little boy is growing up ...
Looks like you all had a great time. Wish we could have been there to help you celebrate! We promise to send those sun glasses back to you soon!
Oh!!! You have them? That's great. All this time, I've just thought they were left in the hotel. Micaiah will be very pleased. :-)
Aunt R----what kind of a cake is that? The one picture looks like it has a green marbled effect in the cake part! Very tricky! It must be a secret recipe! Cheese in the outer crust, green marbled cake, what's next?????? Green eggs and Ham!!!!!
Sam I am!!!
Wish we could have been there!!
Happy Birhtday Micaiah! I think that your presesnt should be getting there soon.I miss you so, so, so much!
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