Well, another year of VBS is behind us! It was busy, as usual, yet good. We were a little disappointed at first by the numbers. (The Lord had given us an unusually large crowd last year, and so we just sort of expected we would have the same this year.) We averaged between 20 and 30 kids every night. But we were more and more encouraged as the week went by. There was a great spirit among the workers, and the Lord gave our people a number of lengthy witnessing opportunities with adults as well as children. One little boy who has attended our Bible club over the last two years made a profession of faith. We had our Friends and Family night during Sunday evening church last night, as we had done last year. Almost all of the children were there, a number of them with parents or other family members. We are encouraged that slowly, but surely, God seems to be cracking the door open into our church's community.
The pictures feature a few family highlights from the week: Miriam had fun with the nursery workers; Micaiah actually participated in a class for the first time (you see him getting his pennies ready for the offering); notice my army man taking the penny offering; Johanna was the missionary story teacher for her class (Donna taught the same story to her class, and I did to mine--so if anybody needs to know anything about Mary Slessor, just ask one of us! ;-); and Brian was our fabulous skit man! He did a great job as "Private Willie".
We had a great week. And now ... life returns to normal--whatever that is.
Thanks for the final update on the VBS! We are so excited about the way the Lord worked. Tell Miciaih that I have a few more pennies for him!
Wish we could have been there! Uncle Tim, you look OFFICIAL! Glad everything went so well! The kids are as cute as can be!
Very exciting! Thanks for being such a good example of whole-heartedness.
Looks like everyone had a great time. Patience is off to her first VBS tonight. I hope you has as much fun as Micaiah! He may have to tell her about bringing penny's she left without any I think.
all right. that shot of liz cole in camos is priceless. p-r-i-c-e-l-e-s-s. oh my word.
Liz (as "Private Barbie") was definitely a sight to behold. You'll have to ask her about her stint as a wanna-be blonde, Joy.
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