Monday, November 26, 2007

Bixby Family Thanksgiving

The large Bixby family gathering was held at Uncle Paul and Aunt Theresa's this year. This was the first time in our seven years of marriage that Tim and I have attended. It was good to see some faces we don't see too often. At last count, I think I heard that 7 of Grandma Bixby's 10 children attended at some point throughout the day. There were about 35 there for the meal and about 10 others drifted sometime after the meal.

There were only a handful of little ones, but they thoroughly enjoyed one another. The kids (besides ours) that you see pictured here are Kingston Marshall's two (Hunter and Kaitlyn) and Jonathan David Gambrell's Rose (his son David was around somewhere, too). Also, Ronnie Jordahl's two (Jeremy and Ashley) were present. It was very interesting to me to see the sizes of our children compared to Hunter and Kaitlyn. Hunter is 6 months older than Micaiah, and Micaiah stands an inch or two taller. Miriam is 2 months younger than Kaitlyn, yet she's quite a bit more filled out in every way than petite little Kaitlyn.

After the meal, some broke off and played games, and then we regathered for a time of testimony and singing. It was very nice.
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good pics! It is nice to see all the faces.

Aunt B said...

Oh wow! So THAT's what you guys did for Thanksgiving! :-)
Good pictures!

Ed said...

I think you were low on food! Good grief. Good to see Paul and Theresa and Tito too.

Donna said...

Okay, Ed. You have got to facebook me. I've tried to look you up, but there are a lot of Ed Flowers out there--if you're on facebook that is! How are you guys? What are you up to these days?