This evening Micaiah and Miriam came over, and Miriam brough her new gift that she had just received from the Nicholls--a tea set! We had a wonderfully fun "tea" party. Tea was milk, sugar was Nesquick! (It doesn't get better than that! :-) ) Lest you think by looking at the picture of the cup, that it was a large cup, I made sure we posed in such a way as to show the real size! :-)

So much fun!!!! :-)
I wish I could have been there! Miriam, you should bring your tea set to France, Grandma has strawberries that match in her kitchen!
How fun! Cute tea set, Miriam.
Wow!!! Tea parties are the BEST! I think I'd drain the pot for sure! ;-)
What a fun way to spend a winter afternoon with Auntie!! A darling tea set for a darling little girl & her brother! So sweet.
Happy birthday, Jen. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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