Last night Jonny and Maria Baker came over. They had to be back on campus for a concert, so they had very little time, but they ended up coming back after the concert for dessert. We had a great time together. They are some very special kids and have a very special place in my heart. They are both technically sophmores, but Maria is almost 22, and Jonny is almost 2o. They sat out for a while from PCC before transferring this semester to BJ. I'm thrilled to have them nearby. Tim and Ruth joined us. They had come over to help me with some things at the house. I could NEVER have gotten things done without them. See my blog for pictures of Ruth's and my accomplishement. I'll post some of Tim's later. He impressed me with his handymanism! I'm exhausted and still have a lot to do. I will post pictures on my blog of the house and yard--which is looking amazing--when everything is done and the realtor has left.

Oh, my...they have grown up. So glad that you could have them. Makes me homesick for the whole Baker family!
Awww... Maria and Jonny. Can't believe there that old!
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