Saturday, September 05, 2009

What we were surprised to find in our neighborhood...

Last night we were getting ready to eat outside when our neighbor called over the fence...
and there was a HUGE big balloon right above our houses!!
So we joined in following it until it finally landed about 2 miles away.
It was fun to see them land and take down that HUGE balloon in a matter of minutes!


Grandma said...

What fun!!! Was the balloon "lost" or was it planned?

JennieB said...

Well, I don't think it was planned... but I don't think we will ever know the full story. Apparently they needed to be down by sun down and finally found an empty lot. It was a fun and free friday night activity!

TRBix said...

That's neat. We got to see one up close and personal a few years ago at a hot air balloon event. It is pretty amazing how huge they are up close, isn't it? Great family activity.

johanna said...

What a fun surprise!

Bob Bixby said...

I think it was in distress because the team actually came down our street and they were frantically signaling and talking to the crew in the balloon.

Donna said...

What fun! Glad they made it down safely. I love the hot air balloon events when they have them down here. But lately, they've turned into beer bashes, so they're not as fun. Hot air balloons are beautiful, though. Some day I'm gonna ride in one!

JennieB said...

I bet going to a HAB event would be very fun! But, if this was a hot balloon EVENT they were VERY lost!! :-)