Ruth was given very specific, step-by-step instructions about how to give "le toilette du matin."

1. make sure you you test the heat of the water with a thermometer (must be at 37 degrees)
2. soap him up while still on the towel, beginning with his hair and working down.
3. rinse him off gently.
4. based on temperature (taken just before bath) determine how many layers to put on. (The little sweater is very important part of a baby's wardrobe. It normally goes on over the "bodie" and under the vest.)
5. clean out his eyes, nose and face with special products provided.
6. give him his daily dose of vitamins via a syringe.
7. comb his hair.
Voila! A beautiful little baby is ready for the day.
That is soooo funny! He's a doll and his Mommy looks GREAT! I can't enlarge the picture of the baby which is disturbing to my soul, but.... :-) Does he get to come home on Saturday? Dying to talk to Ruth!!
Lol! Well, I'm glad Ruth now knows all the specific steps since this is her 3rd child! At least they aren't ignoring you all in the hospital! Ruth, you look amazing, and Zacharie is just a doll!
French do make cute babies, huh? Must be that 1,2,3 and voilà!!!
So darling and love the bath-time rules!
What a DARLING baby!! Ruth, he is beautiful!! And what a great head of hair and chubby cheeks!! I'm sure that you are so glad to have him back with you!! I kills me to know he will be all grown up before we get to see him!! So you will have to rock, snuggle, coo and kiss those sweet cheeks for me!!
awwwww. What a little dumplin! I'm so impressed about the fancy schmantzy hospital garb they have there! Man! We had our babies in those snaggy, pilled up hospital gowns (without the much needed sweater over the body suit! ;-))
You both look wonderful.....I'm so happy for you it was a quick one, Ruth.
I'm so glad you're back together again too! That's so great!
I LOVE the bathtime process :-) Too bad you didn't have those instructions 6 years ago for Micaiah, huh, Ruth?! What have you done all this time? :-)
Zacharie is absolutely ADORABLE!!! And you truly do look wonderful, Ruth. Love you guys and can't wait to talk with you.
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