Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas in France

So we didn't have quite the same calibre "excitement" that all the rest of you Bixbys are experiencing in an Iowa blizzard, but we nevertheless had a WONDERFUL, quiet, simple Christmas together as a family of five! Here is a peak into some of the stay-at-home family activities we enjoyed: gingerbread house decorating, making origami, reading the family Christmas memory book together, gazing at our little baby boy, and, of course, opening stockings and eating Christmas dinner. Hope you all are having a wonderful time making your own memories together. Looking forward to hearing all about it!
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Donna said...

No internet except on my phone! Love it!! Will see if we can hook up in the main building to blog. D and B didn't make it last night due to weather--hoping they all get in today! More snowfall during the night! LOVE your Cmas photos! Looks like you did a good job making it special!

Donna said...

No internet except on my phone! Love it!! Will see if we can hook up in the main building to blog. D and B didn't make it last night due to weather--hoping they all get in today! More snowfall during the night! LOVE your Cmas photos! Looks like you did a good job making it special!

Dad said...

Great pictures! We're waiting for the rest of the "clan". Wish you could be with us. Love Dad

Dad said...

The picture are grat. We have a quiet family of 6--waiting for the others to arrive. Miss you and love you. Mom

Dad said...

The picture are grat. We have a quiet family of 6--waiting for the others to arrive. Miss you and love you. Mom