Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's Tea Party Time!

Today the little girls joined me for a Tea Party! They came all dressed up with their favorite dollies. We had chocolate chip mini muffins, chocolate-peanut butter covered bananas, candies, and hot chocolate and lemonade. How is that for a well balanced snack? Tomorrow is Krista's 3rd birthday so we sang to her, too. We all had so much fun that I am sure we will do it again!

And don't feel sorry for Micaiah. He and Papi had a full afternoon. They went to lunch at KFC and then delivered a care package together before they took off on an afternoon bike ride.
Gotta love vacation time :-)


Johanna said...

OH... fun, fun, FUN!!!

JennieB said...

FUN!! Patience wants to know if the youngest Seely girl reminds you of her??? She would have loved to have been there and had tea with all the girls!!

Donna said...

Oh how cute and fun! And that picture of Micaiah, I just love! So like his daddy!! I wish I had been there for tea party. I LOVE tea parties.

RuthBix said...

The tea party was Miriam's first thought yesterday morning, her last thought last night, and once again her first thought this morning. You definitely captured your granddaughter's love and affection through this exciting event, Mimi! :) Thank you again for having it and for making it so special.

And Micaiah didn't fair too badly himself! Thank you, Papi, for giving him your entire afternoon. It meant a lot to him (and to me! :).