Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Weigh-in time

Monday, at his latest wellness checkup, Zacharie weighed in at 9.4 kilograms, or 20.7 pounds. We are thankful to God for our healthy, growing boy.


mom said...

That's our BIG boy. Gotta love that look he gives one.

Josh and Amy J. said...

He looks like he's taking whatever the doctor is telling him very seriously!

Donna said...

Love the way he is looking at the Dr. As Amy said "all serious"--after all this IS a Dr. we're talking to! Tooo cute! And what a BIIIG boy!

johanna said...

So cute!!! And what a big boy. Love that BLOND hair!

JennieB said...

OH I could just squeeze that little guy!! He really is TOO CUTE!!! and to think he is going to be all grown up before I get to even give him a "snuggle" as Corban and I say!! Well, give him... and his big brother and sister some hugs and kisses from all of us here in Rockford!! Thanks for the pictures!!

Mom and Dad said...

He is just the cutest hunk, Jennie, but then I don't think Olivia is too far behind him! We need to come up with a plan to get them (and us!) together before those two are grown :-(

RuthBix said...

He did stare quite intently at th Dr. as he began his little exam. It was kinda cute, if I do say so myself.

Jennie, hugs and kisses passed on. His chunky little body is highly huggable and kissable! ;) And, oh, wouldn't it be wonderful to get all the cousins (and aunts and uncles and grandparents, too, I suppose) together again? I guess we were the party poopers last year. If only time, space and money weren't a deterrent ... Ah! In the meantime, keep the pictures of the other cousins rolling in, so that we can keep reminding these kiddos on this side who they are, OK?