Thank you all for the birthday wishes for Zacharie. We had a great evening celebrating together as a family. While Zacharie didn't exactly start talking on the very day he turned 1, he sure did start becoming more active! I'm not sure whether it was turning 1, or his new "BabyHaler" (see us administering his medicine in the small picture in the collage where he is crying :( ), but he has definitely all of a sudden become more interested in all the little things in the world around him! Tonight, we even caught him picking clementines out of the tiered fruit basket and tossing them one by one into the nearby trash can! And this afternoon he removed Papi's hearing aid for the first time ever from his regular perch. He is fast becoming Mr. Busy-Body! It's a good thing. :) Just keeps us on our toes. And for the record, he did like his marble birthday cake with chocolate frosting. (Did anyone really doubt?) We love our little Zacharie, and sure are glad he's a part of our family.
That's our boy!! We sure did enjoy the delicious meal and the fun evening (even watching you administer Z's medicine-- parents can be so cruel at times :-)
Oh, so so precious! That middle picture makes my heart hurt! Can't wait to hug him. Hope he likes me! :) Why the meds? Does he have asthma?
He is SO precious! Glad he had a happy birthday! I have to ask...Ruth, is that your old denim vest Miriam is wearing?
Donna--after some ongoing cold symptoms and a pretty wicked cough, we finally took him to the doctor last Wednesday and he was diagnosed with some sort of asthmatic bronchitis, so he'll be on the inhaler for a month to get him over it.
Becca--You're absolutely right! :)
How fun! He is just so cute! Wow, he is just now getting into things? I'd say your pretty lucky;)
Thanks for all the wonderful pictures. Looks like a great party!! I was thinking Ruth that it is sad that you had to keep your third child across the ocean from Auntie Brenda & Auntie Jennie just so you could get ONE child to his first birthday sans sucre & chocolate!! :-) Hope we will be able to see you all soon in person!! Hugs to Zacharie!!
Don't worry, Jennie. He didn't make it either. And I certainly wasn't trying to get him across the ocean for that reason! Now that he is one, you both can come give him some sugar guilt-free! :) When shall we look for you?
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