Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve in Bordeaux

I assume these will all be self-explanatory, but we just wanted to give you a taste of our Christmas Eve.
I will explain Zacharie's black eye. He took a bad spill last night, and we are thankful that it didn't end up in the emergency room. He's fine, but it did leave a nasty mark. Micaiah's pj's are still in my suitcase which we hope is on a truck being brought down to Bordeaux through the night tonight...we hope.....
We had a wonderful evening, complete with guests from Hungary, and the story of "Bobby".
The only thing missing was YOU. Hope you all had (well, I guess that is "have") a wonderful evening.
Loads of love and Merry Christmas!
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1 comment:

johanna said...

Looks like a lot of festivity going on!