Sunday, March 20, 2011

Miriam Makes Music :-)

This evening Miriam had a recital for her music class. So we got to go see her "play the drum". The class also sang as they drummed :-) It was lots of fun and brought back many, many memories of sitting in the audience watching the prettiest (or most handsome) kids play and sing. Afterward we went to McDo's to celebrate. It was a fun time-- especially the ice cream at the end of the meal. So love having family around...anyone else want to come by for a visit?
BTW, Zacherie decided that if Miriam was playing the drum, he was going to play the big gong!


Donna said...

Awww....such nostalgic feelings seeing some of my favorite people making memories...perhaps it's old age! ;) LOVE IT!
Miriam, I'm sooo proud of you!

Johanna said...

fun times!

JennieB said...

Corban would love to play the drums with you Miriam!! Fun pictures.

Anonymous said...

Miriam I hope that sometime I can hear you play