The Tim Bixby household has had some serious tooth action this week. Miriam knocked her chin climbing a tree on Sunday, and I think that might have given a slightly loose tooth the added impetus it needed to quickly become REALLY loose, and she lost her first baby tooth then on Wednesday. She had an advantage in this whole thing of having seen her brother lose his teeth, and realize that it really isn't any too scary, and after all, one might find a little something special under one's pillow after such an exciting experience, so she was pretty thrilled!
Micaiah's tooth action was a little less natural. We got an afternoon phone call on Tuesday (actually, it was Papi who took the initial call as he was keeping the younger kids while we were in class) that Micaiah had had an accident at school, and we needed to come pick him up to take him to the dentist. Somehow he had been spinning around with a classmate at the end of recess time when he slipped and hit the ground mouth first. Some of the school workers were still cleaning up the blood when we arrived to retrieve him. After calling three different dentists, we found one who was immediately available and we took him in. He agreed that Micaiah's front two teeth had received a pretty terrific shock, and wanted us to go get an x-ray taken to make sure there was no fracture (see picture below). It was a pretty cool machine that went around his head, and we now have a REALLY cool picture of all his hidden permanent teeth yet to come in. In fact, the dentist was even able to tell us that Micaiah will only ever have one wisdom tooth to come in. We are grateful that there was no fracture, and it seems like the teeth will heal fine, although the dentist did say that those front two teeth are not completely out of the woods yet, and wants us to come in again next week for a check-up. He had a seriously swollen lip, but after three days it is looking much better, too. So there you go. There's a summary of some of the toothy experiences we've had in this Bixby household this week. :)

What a fun week it has been :-) Of course, Micaiah would fall the day I was gone to Toulouse. But then, I got home in time to see his fancy xray! He is pretty proud of it. I wonder why his mommy did post it? Miriam was worried about how the tooth fairy would be able to get under her pillow with her head on it, but was happy to tell me the next day that "he" had!
In the picture he looks as if he wouldn't mind a little reassurance from someone.
What a cute girl with a cute tooth! So, what did the tooth fairy give you? That's one impressive machine your stuck in, Micaiah!
And the other pictures aren't showing up, so please try to correct that problem b/c Auntie Donna is dying to see them!
Very cool machine, Micaiah. Sorry you had to have an accident to do that, but how cool to have a picture of your teeth!!!
Miriam, you look pretty excited about losing a tooth! Did you get something exciting under your pillow??? Hope the tooth fairy found you!
hmmm... that was me... :)
Miriam did the tooth fairy visit your house?
I lost a tooth recently too!
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