Saturday, February 18, 2006

Peter's Prayer

At the encouragement of my brother, I am going to post a "hymn" or two. That might be using the word loosely on some of them. Most of them are from the book of Luke, which Pastor Miller recently finished preaching through. In preparation for his sermon on Peter's denial of Christ, I wrote this song, a prayer from a changed Peter that recounts the contrast in his attitude from the first stanza to the last. It could be sung to TERRA BEATA (This Is My Father's World), but the music doesn't seem to support the text perfectly. I did write an original melody and it was sung as a male solo, but I'm not sure it was perfect either. So if one of you more inspired musicians want to write a tune that supports the arrogant-turned-humble "Peter's Prayer," I wouldn't object.

Peter's Prayer
Luke 22:54-62

“Lord, by your side I’ll stay, and be your closest friend,
While others waver in the fight, I’ll battle to the end.”
These zealous words I spoke, but ere the sun would rise
My faith would shake, my boldness part, and tears would swell my eyes.

“That man, I know him not.” E’en to a servant maid,
“Not one of his” again I’d cry because I was afraid.
“That man of whom you speak, the one from Galilee,”
The third and final time I’d say, “He is no friend to me.”

The shocking words still rang, when joined another sound
The rooster’s crow laid bare my soul, and sin and guilt I found.
Then Jesus turned and looked into my tearful face
And with rebuke I felt His love, His mercy and His grace.

“Lord, by my side you’ll stay, and be my closest friend,
Though oft I waver in the fight, you’ll keep me to the end.
Lord, soften now my heart, ‘til Christ you see in me,
And like a strong, enduring rock, Lord, make my faith to be.”

“Lord, build upon this Rock. Amen.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The tune DIADEMATA (Crown Him with Many Crowns) works great for the first verse, especially, "LORD, BY YOUR SIDE I'LL STAND." But it doesn't work to great for the contrite Peter.

Thanks, Dan, for posting this. Reflection on Peter tonight was helpful to my soul.