Thursday, February 09, 2006


What are you reading?

Currently, I am reading Mathematics for the Nonmathematician by Morris Kline, over 500 pages of headache. I am learning something, so I think it might be worth it.

I'm also re-reading C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity and John Owen's Mortification for the fifth time (I'm still a pathetic sinner). I just finished Lewis' Surprised by Joy. That was fantastic.

I'm almost through John Gilmore's Pastoral Politics: Why Ministers Resign. I might do a report on it for my blog. It is pretty insightful.

Jennie and I are using the Discipleship Journal bible reading plan. We're in Exodus right now.

Anyway, I always interested to know what you are reading at any given moment.


Anonymous said...

Good reading, Donna. I'll add a pinch of novel and you add a pinch of not-novel and our reading will be more balanced.

Anonymous said...

I started the book "1776" in the plane. Unfortunately (due to two children), I'm still not to the year 1776. I did read about an American Lt. named Samuel Bixby. We are a patriotic family!

Anonymous said...

That's a perfect book for traveling, Tim. It's easy to read, but very informative. I discussed it briefly on my blog (here) back in August.

Of course, it is ideal that if you are reading a book called "1776" that you actually read far enough to get out of 1775. Maybe for the trip back.

Anonymous said...

I've got a couple in the oven, but the one I brought on the trip is "Uncommon Union" about Jonathon & Sarah Edwards. Despite the fact that it's subjects are real-life people, I think it would have to be considered a historical novel, too, since the telling of it is somewhat imaginative. Pretty interesting, though. I do find it a little strange, however, that I am more than halfway through the book, and so far it seems to be a lot more about one of the Edwards children than Jonathan & Sarah.