Thursday, May 25, 2006

Layton Talbert

We just completed some of the best meetings (as in special meetings) that I have ever enjoyed in the context of a local church. Layton Talbert delivered six messages to our congregation. The first was an introduction to the Wisdom books, the second was on Ecclesiastes, and the remaining four were on Job. I have never heard a better exposition of Job.

Bill Hunt told me after the service last night that from now on he would always look forward to reading Job! Another woman tearfully told me how grateful she was that I conscientiously provided the best teachers I could find for our congregation. Both Mark and I heard numerous statements like these.

We had some technical glitches in our recording, but they should be available soon. Dad and Mom, I think you'll enjoy listening to these as you travel. Posted by Picasa


Mom and Dad said...

Quite the pub! We are eager to hear the cd's. We didn't realize that his whole family was there. See you tomorrow.

Bob Bixby said...

No. This was just a family picture that he sent. He was by himself.