Okay. This happen$ in pa$toral coun$eling all the time. And I did it with my bathroom! $omebody come$ with a thing they want to fix. What they hardly ever realize i$ that the "thing" i$ rooted in $omething else and that fixing that mean$ fixing $omething else. And it could go on ad infinitum. It i$ alway$ more co$tly than one would immediately a$$ume. Now, often folk$ give up and walk away.Though I committed the $ame error with my bathroom, I will not walk away. We are now in a full-$cale renovation project in our bathroom. I took everything apart by my$elf (the ea$y part), but then di$covered rotten overlay under the linoleum and then it $tarted getting too big for me and my three tool$. Then we decided to re-do the wall$, the vanity, the lighting, and ton$ of other thing$. Lot$ of thing$ had to be done just becau$e we had the audacity to $tart $omthing else. $uch is a project in an old hou$e, I'm told.By wonderful providence, Jehovah Jirah had arranged the $chedule of our normally very bu$y floor man in the church $o that he ju$t "$o happened" to be in between job$! He graciou$ly volunteered to come and help me! And we have been working on it all day. I worked late into the night la$t night (all day) and early thi$ morning. Will do more tonight. Our goal i$ to have a functioning toilet before Mom and Dad come.The whole rea$on I thought that I would be able to do thi$ project i$ becau$e I am not $peaking one time thi$ coming $unday! Anyway, here are some pic$. Hopefully, we'll be able to $how you progre$$ a$ we move along.It'$ been fun. I've been relaxed. And I haven't given a $econd thought to all the money we are $pending. And I $imply refu$e to make an i$$ue of it. I $imply will not let my private concern$ dampen my $weetheat'$ enthu$ia$m. All I want i$ for Jennie to be happy! A$ my $i$-in-law would $ay of her hub, I $ay of my$elf: "What a guy!"
Aunt B said...
Brother-in-law-Bob......I am so touched that you are handling all of these things with such grace, and even have used my phrase as a theme throughout this project. I ASSURE you that Jennie will be singing in a beautiful soprano voice, "WHAT A GUY!" Just put yourself into deep denial about the $$. It's called 'homeownership'; (if it's one word, and you say it really fast, it sounds cool) isn't it fun?! I'm sure some wonderful plumbing has been involved too. We feel your pain. Every time we've done anything in the bathroom, the subfloor has always been rotten too! I'm $ure that my hu$band handled it ju$t a$ well a$ you are with hi$ 3 tool$ too. "WHAT A GUY!" Now you know WHY Daniel got all of his tool$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. :-)
from Donna (before pix)
$o, where are the pic$? I under$tand the i$$ue$ at $take a$ doe$ anyone who undertake$ renovation project$ Have a bla$t!
I'm proud of you, Bob. Not much worth than hugging a toilet. You look like a real pro in the pictures! Did you ever actually wear the goggles, or was it just for the effect?
Hmmm... that would be "worse" not worth! I have a little lithp problem every onthe in a while.
Hey, Bob,
$ince you're $o experienced, will you come do our$ next? We'll even let you handle our account$!!!
We were just about to make the plunge and do the bathroom at Kendal Green. Now you are making us have second thoughts. Hope you get it fixed really fast as we will be there on Thursday night!
Bob, as "acting" homeowners....we feel your pain. We've redone 2 baths, only to discover today that there's another leak around our toilet! Also, Buddy and I appreciated your spiritual counseling comparison!
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