Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day in Minnesota

I hope all you mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day today. At our house, we are thankful for the wife and mother that God has given to us. We tried to make her day special. We gave her breakfast in bed and then fixed a complete meal for her for lunch, including mashed potatoes with no milk (oops -- didn't know that part), a home-made dessert, etc. We love her very much. Doing this has made us especially grateful for the work she does!
-- Daniel and kids

Now, to Mom. Thank you for 36+ years of motherhood. When I think of what you went through at my own birth, I still can't imagine it. The experience must have been almost overwhelming. It would have been traumatic anywhere, but to do it in a foreign country, in a language you didn't speak well (that is an assumption... your French is WONDERFUL now :-), but I'm guessing it wasn't as good then) must have added to the drama. And that was only the beginning! I am eternally grateful for your example of servanthood and sacrifice. We all love you and can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.

Well... I guess I'm not done. The dishes are next. And the china can't go in the dishwasher. Bummer. Posted by Picasa


Aunt B said...

YUM! WISH YOU COULD HAVE ENJOYED IT ALL WITH ME!!!! They even made a delicious trifle for dessert last night, so it was all ready to go today! Daniel even GROCERY SHOPPED!!! WOW! I'm a queen!
Hope you SCers had fun too. I'm sure you were queenish as well!

TRBix said...

Love the aprons!!!

JennieB said...

Brenda! You have short hair!!! WOW! I like it. Happy Mother's Day to you!

Aunt B said...

Yeah, Jennie, I WHACKED it off! It had been pretty long. I needed something faster. In theory, I can be out the door in about 10 minutes if I need to, but this picture was pretty bad. Isabelle had been playing with my hair to make me "pretty" for lunch. (it was a job to keep her out of the kitchen while the rest of the little people worked!) Anyway, I was supposed to get it cut again yesterday, but I got sick, so had to cancel. :-/