Thursday, July 13, 2006

BMM Conference

Well, for the first time in the history of the mission, we had an annual conference (it has always been 3times a year!). It was a huge success with almost 400 missionaries present. Dr. Kevin Bauder, from Central, was the speaker and he was excellent. It was great to see some people that we haven't seen in over 20 years! Lots of CAR people (June Stone, Polly Strong, Dick Teachouts, Clarissa Barton, Elmers, Rosenaus, etc.) It was especially fun ending the evenings with the Elmers in our hotel room. Donella, a friend of Donna's, joined us tonight, too. Another highlight was getting our 35 year pins. Tonight in the "inner circle" (for those returning to the field before another conference), only the Stauffachers had more years than we did! Posted by Picasa


TRBix said...

Sounds like you all are having a good time. And congrats on your distinguished role as long-time missionaries!!! What was Bauder's theme? Greet Donella & the Elmers for us.

Bob Bixby said...

Those kind of events are fun. I'm glad you were able to go.

Anonymous said...

Where was the conference?

Mom and Dad said...

Elise, it was near Cleveland, OH. Ruth, Bauder preached on the theme of Jesus Christ. And Bob, it was fun, but life goes on....we are in Charleston, WV tonight in a hotel. Have a service here in the morning and then in Abingdon (a. Theresa's church) in the evening.