This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
oh, does Grandma like that place!!! Hershey's is still the best in my opinion even though I live in the world where there is real chocolate. Kisses to you all---and see you in 3 days!
Ok.....I LOVE the people in the pics but I'm with Donna.....Lindt is the ultimate BEST!!!!!! Swiss chocolate is the only way to go.
So, I like wax! Dad says it is because it is on the other side of the ocean. More likely because I am a tradionalist! But don't worry--tootsie rolls are still my all time number one :-)
I love Chocalate too! But I'm with the girls... I like the kind from your side of the ocean. Are you going to bring me some "Pyrenes" for Christmas to remind me of my first Christmas gift from my sweetheart? (hint, hint)
Tootsie rolls? Or is it Oreos???? I prefer the European stuff, too.
And now from TIM:
Mom, here's my shopping list from France (only if you have the time, of course) ;-)
-crispy rice chocolate (NOT Hershey)
-Nutella (NOT Hershey)
-pralines (NOT Hershey)
-dark chocolate for my wife (NOT Hershey)
-other assorted non-alcoholic chocolates (NOT Hershey)
-Coffee (for my wife, of course)
Of course, what we want to see most is YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is really, really too bad that you sent these requests so late...it is Sunday morning here and we leave the house at 4:30am tomorrow so NO MORE shopping! And I was dreaming of Hershey kisses, so you are all out of luck (except for the coffee, of course!)
Cute pics. Can't wait to see you guys. Coming soon.
Too soon... I just realized I'm going to have to spend some time practicing the piano this week.
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