Our little toddler has left toddlerhood and become a little boy! He is growing up so fast! I remember the day he was born--I wasn't suppossed to be in Greenville, but "happened" to be here. It was exciting! It's been fun watching him go through all the different stages of growing up. Joyeux Anniversaire, Michée-Calvin.

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday! WE love you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
Happy Birthday Micaiah! Your cousins wish they could visit you with Mema today!
Happy Birthday, Micaiah! We love you and wish we could be there with you today. Have fun at your party!
WAHOOOO Micaiah!!! We sure miss you, but we hope you have the 'bestest' birthday in the whole wide world!
Your MN cousins wish that they could help you celebrate, that would have been fun.
Know that we are thinking a lot about you today!!!
Happy birthday, big boy.
It's hard to believe it's been 4 years!
Thank you all for your love and well-wishes and phone calls and gifts! Our little 4-year-old man thoroughly enjoyed his day! We even had a little moment of celebration in the car at 12:24 P.M.
Sorry about missing the MN phone call! That was right in the "thick" of the party. I walked back inside from checking on Tim's grilling to hear the tune resonating from the answering machine, and then things were so crazy I knew it would be hard to calm the birthday boy down enough to talk. Perhaps we can touch base with you tomorrow so that Micaiah can thank you with his own little voice.
We'll blog pics soon.
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