Micaiah had quite the gathering for his birthday! In attendance were Papa & Me-Ma Pahnke, Oma Pahnke, Uncle Richard & Aunt Tara, Cousin Sophia, Aunt Donna, Uncle Brian & Aunt Johanna, and, of course, Mommy, Daddy & Miriam. So he was well celebrated! Just for your info, the bike helmet that he received didn't come with a bike, but hopefully it will help inspire him to keep working towards earning the promised bike! It was a fun evening. When asked what he wanted for his birthday dinner, he only asked for "meat." So we grilled pork loin chops. Of course, at his actual birthday party he was so keyed up by all the excitement, I think he only ate two bites. (And the second one I made him take!) Nonetheless, he DEFINITELY enjoyed his birthday. Hard to believe I'm the mother of a 4-year-old!
Thanks again for all the phone calls and gifts. That helicopter from the MN Bixbys definitely rated! He received it via UPS on Monday, and so we allowed him to open it up right away. And Gpa & Gma, the shirt went on the very night of his party! He's been a spoiled little boy, and sure has been enjoying it!
Looks like fun! So glad he enjoyed all of the celebrating! Can't wait to give him a birthday hug when we see him!
Looks like it was lots of fun. Can't wait for you to get your bike, Micaiah!
It was a fun party, and delicious food!!!
Micaiah!!! You are one COOL DUDE with that helmet on!!! Glad that you got spoiled!
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