Saturday, August 02, 2008

Temple Square, Salt Lake City, UT

On Monday I had a layover in Salt Lake City, UT and decided to go downtown to see the Mormon Tabernacle. I made it in time for an organ concert at the Tabernacle (1). It was a great concert as far as concerts go, but it was much more upsetting to me than I expected it to be... to see this sect using Christian hymnody to legitimitize them as a religion.
Anyway, I need to put those thoughts to paper.... but, (2) is the temple itself (can't go there, nor did I want to), (3) is the outside of the Tabernacle. It was a lot smaller than I thought it would be, and (4) is the new LDS Conference center. It seats 21,000 people, the largest of its kind in the world.
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Anonymous said...

Wow, Dan! It is unbelievable. I can only imagine your emotions. We'd love to read your paper someday!

Donna said...

Interesting. I'd love to read your paper, too.

Anonymous said...

I talked with someone last week who insisted that Mormons were Christians, and was surprised that I would think otherwise.

Brian said...

I echo the others, Dan. Share with us some more thoughts about what you observed.