Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Surprise Party!

My mom and church friends surprised me last Friday for my 14th birthday. I came home from school and they were all (15 girls total) at my house! I was so surprised I almost started crying. Almost all of them spent the night. We did some crazy things like going to McDonald's in this green facemask as you can see in one of the pictures. I think my mom went crazy but we had loads of fun!
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Anonymous said...

Elise, that sounds like SO much fun! I'm glad you had a great birthday party!

Donna said...

What a blast! Your mom comes up with the funnest things to do. Glad you have a great time! You're growing up way way way too fast!

TRBix said...

Happy Birthday, Elise! Wow, you really went to McDonald's in that face mask? You impress me. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Elise!! I'd say you are special!

JennieB said...

What fun!!! You will enjoy those memories for years to come!!! You will have to post more of your birthday party on FB for us to see!! BTW - THANKS for learning to blog!!! I'm so relieved that your Mom now has someone to help her do important blogging/ FB things when your Dad is out of town!!!