Yesterday we spent the day getting ready for our "little" trip around the states to see you kids! Dad took Tsiry with him every where he went (including several trip to the DMV!) The car now has plates, Dad has a up to date SC license and I have a new "do"-- so if we get this house clean, our bags re-packed, we are off for the Custers this afternoon and then to visit DC tomorrow. Then Brockton ! :-)
We have really been able to see lots of fam already. Uncle Paul and Aunt Theresa met us at the airport. We got to Donna's pretty late and we were so glad to see her! Uncle Steve and Aunt Donna and Grandma came over to see us. I spent the whole day with Aunt Donna-- she was gracious and ran me around. Then we went to Community Baptist last night to hear the Farmers. So, besides Bonnie Ruth and all, we saw Aunt Ruth, Vanessa, Uncle John and Aunt Lois.
Sounds like you bringing a party wherever you go!! Have lots of fun on your first leg of your trip. We are getting excited about seeing you all here in Rockford and hoping that the Dan fam can come down and join in the fun!
Can't wait to see you!
Wow! Looks like a wonderful time you've had already! Hope you're up for more fun and craziness!
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