Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Le défilé militaire du 14 juillet 2009 à Bordeaux

Here are a few more pictures from our outing into Bordeaux. Though it included a lot of waiting, we got to watch the military parade that included all the branches of the military, the national police, the firefighters, etc. It was preceded by a flyover of four jets, who returned for a second flyover later on. The parade was supposed to have ended with the descent of parachuters into the square, but due to inclement weather, they were unable to take off from their base.

You have to be creative, especially when you're small, if you want a good view.

As enjoyable as anything else that day, was the tram ride (first for the children) into town and back. The middle picture is not my own, but shows the train crossing over the Pont de Pierre.


Aunt Donna said...

I'm not good at wing-ding, but the pictures are great!

JennieB said...

AH!! I now can read wing-ding!!

Elise Marie said...

Super cute! Makes me want to fly over and give everyone a big squeeze!:D

Mom and Dad said...

Love it! Elise--let's make a date for next summer. We can play with the baby then! ;-)

mom said...

that was Donna Ruth :-)

But we loved the pictures and we promise to be there next year!!

Thanks for posting. I want to and will as soon as we get an opportunity~

Josh and Amy J. said...

Just seeing pictures of you all in France makes me smile - God is good!

johanna said...

Loved the pictures!