Monday, December 21, 2009

With Old Friends and Family

Just a few shots from some of the fun times that we had in December. It had been years since we had been with Uncle Lynn and Aunt Margo, so that was a treat. Aunt Theresa had a special meal for the "boys" and their wives and Grandma, of course. And then Donna Ruth got an early Christmas present!


johanna said...

Fun times!

Donna said...

Uncle Lynn and Aunt Margo haven't changed at all!! And my early gift was a shock and I have already thoroughly enjoyed it and used it. I was going to blog about it AFTER Christmas. I still will, as I have to unfold the whole story. But, I'll do it on my blog so as not to bore you toooo much!

JennieB said...

Love your table Donna and can't wait to hear the story!