Micaiah and Miriam came over on Wednesday for lunch and to prepare for our Valentine's Party (we had to have it early because we couldn't find another free night :-( ). Anyway, we had fun making cookies and blowing up balloons! The ticket to get in was to wear something "red". You can see that Tim got out his Tintin ties for the big occasion!

After supper we went down to the salle and played some games-- girls against the boys. The boys won the first game (finding the candy) but Tim seems to have suffered for the victory. However, when it came to speed and skill, the girls tromped them!

Back upstairs for dessert and some presents. Mimi was spoiled with a watch, necklace and earring set from Papi! Wish the rest of you were close enough to have joined us!
WHAT FUN!!! Wish I could have been there for the festivities. Been a long time since I've had a Valentine's party. Way to go, Grandma!
What a fun party! -- Donna, don't you have one every year in your classroom? ;-)
Looks like lots of fun! Thanks for letting us peek in on your party!
FUN!!! SO glad that you all found some time to party!! I'm afraid that our "Romantic" night will have to wait as we have a sick little boy. :-( But hopefully we will get some cookies made at least!!
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