I couldn't help but post this picture. The blog is 5 years old in February. I usually post it, but I forgot this year. Here is a picture of all of us girls! I hate to say it, but I think we've all aged--graciously, mind you, but aged! :-)
This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
My oh my, we have aged a tad :-)
Speak for yourselves! I facing my 'Mid-life crisis'......I feel as young as can be! :-)
I think it's only 4 years old. I know it started the year Johanna and I started dating.
well look over to the right. The first one says it was the 2nd of January 2006. Where was that picture taken Donna?
That's February 2006, Dad. (Gotta think in the American dating system.) Yes, I believe we first saw Bob's creation of the Bixby blog (and that initial picture) here in France, because we were here visiting. The picture was taken in the MCBC fellowship hall at the family meal following Grandpa Morgan's funeral, Dad. You were the lonely one back in France.
Your're right. For some reason I keep thinking we are in 2011!! This was one of the first blogs!
Now, 2011, Donna, I think you're OLD! :-)
I know--it's weird. It's like I've totally skipped 2010. I have even written 2011 on things! Too funny. Don't know where/when I got it in my head, but now I'm having trouble getting it out. And by the time I do, it'll be 2011 and I'll be writing 2010 on everything! :-) Makes me laugh!
Maybe it's getting old, or the mid-life crisis or what not but I'm thankful for some changes!! And to think that in four years we have added five more Bixby's to the picture!! Jo, of course takes the prize for adding the most! :-)
Beautiful ladies...and only growing more beautiful each year!
I LOVE this picture of the 5 of you, and I love the blog comment conversation I've just read on this post :-) You all are hilarious!
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