Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A visit to Marcelle Rotiers
Marcelle was having a rough day on Sunday, so was not able to make it to church. Dad and I went over with Derek (visiting for about 48 hours) to see her on Tuesday. It was so good to spend just a few minutes with her and make her smile. She has had a hard time adjusting to Rene's death, but the church here has done a great job of keeping her alive. She isn't adventuresome and would rather be in Heaven with Rene, but overall she is doing well.

Micaiah Finishes his 1st grade year in France!
Michaiah's classroom. It was fun to have him show me around his room and talk with his teacher. She had high compliments (which the French do not give out casually), and said that while she'd had apprehensions at the beginning of the year, Micaiah had made great progress and was working on level with French kids! Bravo, Michee !

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Micaiah's School Choir Concert
Last night Micaiah's school had their annual choir concert. They did a great job and Micaiah, sang heartily. The most amusing was the "older" kids singing Old MacDonald in English, and the "little" kids (M's age) doing the E, I, E, I, O part. Please note that the "O" is pronounced "Oh"! :-) It was GREAT!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Afternoon at the Park
The blog is, afterall, for keeping everybody up to date! I hope I don't bore everyone and I realize that most of these will also go on FB, but just to help keep the blog alive and well, feel free to comment! :-) This afternoon, after Monte Cristo for lunch--per Christy's request--we went to the park near the house in Merignac. It is a nice park and cleaned up nicer than it was when we lived nearby.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Only in France....
Micaiah's first words to me (after greeting me, of course!) : "Guess what, Auntie Donna?! Jeudi is la grève, so that's good cuz I get to spend more time with you!"
Only in France!!!!
(Translation: Thursday the teachers are striking and there is no school!)
This is a picture of Micaiah's homework assignment notebook.
Only in France!!!!
(Translation: Thursday the teachers are striking and there is no school!)
This is a picture of Micaiah's homework assignment notebook.
Tatie Donna est arrivée !
I went with Papi to pick up the kids and held back while he got them. I snapped a picture just as they saw me. Then the camera kinda got forgotten. It was preciously priceless. Sooo good to see them again. When Micaiah saw me, he was just in the process of asking Papi if I had made it. He was nearly running into me when he looked up and saw me. Cute. We then got to spend the evening together playing with their surprises from my suitcases. We had fun! Been busy due to MMT being here, but today is no school! The next blog will tell you what the FIRST thing Micaiah said to me was! It is so good to be here. The pictures of my seeing Zacharie for the first time are on Ruth's camera, and I had wet hair, so I'm not sure how likely they are to make it onto the www. :-)

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Keiser Rehearsal Dinner
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy half-birthday, Zacharie!
Six months old today. Unbelievable.
Celebrated by going into town to do some scouting for MMT. It was rainy and cold!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Micaiah's celebration
Monday was the big birthday celebrating day for Micaiah. He got plenty of sweets through the course of the day's events: cupcakes with his classmates at school, ice cream Sundae at McDo with Diego and Miriam right after school, and of course, birthday cake and ice cream at our evening celebration with Papi and Mimi. He enjoyed his sweets like a real 7-year-old, so much so that he didn't have any room left in his stomach for the chicken pot pie he had requested until leftovers the next day at lunch! He also enjoyed receiving 7 presents to go along with his 7 years (pure coincidence--NOT a tradition!!!) Among them were: the official France coupe de monde shirt you see him sporting in the above collage, a REALLY snazzy multi-purpose tool from Papi, and the croquet set you see Mimi demonstrating. We are grateful for our big boy, and we all had a blast celebrating with him.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Ladies Banquet 2010

We had a great banquet today. There were 30 ladies present for the repas "Un instrument dans ses Mains." Kristi Colas was the speaker and did a great job. She and her sister, who just arrived on Tuesday, sang a couple of duets, piano solo, etc. Your musical mom led an opera :-) Thanks Brenda for the idea to make the napkin worked great. Was sure glad to have Ruth here as my sidekick!
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