The blog is, afterall, for keeping everybody up to date! I hope I don't bore everyone and I realize that most of these will also go on FB, but just to help keep the blog alive and well, feel free to comment! :-) This afternoon, after Monte Cristo for lunch--per Christy's request--we went to the park near the house in Merignac. It is a nice park and cleaned up nicer than it was when we lived nearby.

I will gladly comment, especially since I feel more "free" than usual since you occupied my children for all of yesterday afternoon! ;)
You got some great pictures, and M&M have been BEYOND thrilled that their Auntie Donna is here. We, too, are SOOO glad that you were able to come, and are looking forward to another week of fellowship. Good to have finally met Christy, too. It's neat that you guys get to relive the "olden days".
Was glad you went to that park-- definitely reminds me of the "Elmer Days!" It has been great having Christy here.
Fun times!
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