Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Micaiah's celebration

Monday was the big birthday celebrating day for Micaiah. He got plenty of sweets through the course of the day's events: cupcakes with his classmates at school, ice cream Sundae at McDo with Diego and Miriam right after school, and of course, birthday cake and ice cream at our evening celebration with Papi and Mimi. He enjoyed his sweets like a real 7-year-old, so much so that he didn't have any room left in his stomach for the chicken pot pie he had requested until leftovers the next day at lunch! He also enjoyed receiving 7 presents to go along with his 7 years (pure coincidence--NOT a tradition!!!) Among them were: the official France coupe de monde shirt you see him sporting in the above collage, a REALLY snazzy multi-purpose tool from Papi, and the croquet set you see Mimi demonstrating. We are grateful for our big boy, and we all had a blast celebrating with him.
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Donna said...

What fun! Can't wait to play the croquet game, watch LES BLEUS with him wearing the shirt, and I'm sure there is something that can be fixed with his cool tool! ;-) SEE YOU SOON!

Mom and Dad said...

What fun we had! And we just polished off the cake and ice cream for gouter! yummm.

johanna said...

Oh what a fun filled weekend!