It was a beautiful day. We were up at 4 getting ready for the big day. Dad and Mom Martin along with Ruth were waiting outside our door by six. The Metras were here as well. We pulled out around 6:20.
Traffic was horrendous.
We had to go downtown Chicago to the Daley Center where the Cook County Court House is. First (after finally finding parking) we had to meet our attorney on the 7th floor where she oriented us and then had Corban served papers by the Cook County Sheriff. After that procedure we had to go all the way up to the 17th floor. That was probably the most exasperating thing of the whole day. I heard of one attorney that quit his career because he spent two years watching lawyers fight for a spot on the elevator year after year! We finally got on one going down in in order to go back up. (You can get an idea of how high we were by our pictures that are in front of the windows.)
The particular courtroom that we were sent to was referred to by one lawyer in our elevator as the "happy floor." It is dedicated entirely to adoptions. In fact, the waiting room is decorating in real colorful, childlike themes. We had waited about ten minutes when we were called in.
The Judge sat while all of us filed in. All the Metras family, the Martins, Ruth, and our family all stood in front of the Judge. Jennie, Patience, Corban, and I were in front of the others right in front of the Judge. We were sworn in and then he began to ask questions. . .
of Patience!
"How old are you?"
"Do you like your brother?"
"Do you love him?"
"Will you help your Mommy?"
Oh, yes, he did ask where we were from and commented that his sister lives very close to our house a few streets down). And he also thanked the group for coming. He was very impressed with that. A few questions for our attorney (who had done mucho preparation and pre-filing) and swish-slash signatures, an order to show Patience where the suckers were so that she could take and distribute them as she saw fit. "She's in charge" were his exact words. And voila! It was done.
He came out to the waiting room for a picture and we were ready to go!
We went to the Walnut Room in Macy's which has been a Chicago favorite for many years. We had a very nice meal with soothing classical music in the background. We are so grateful for the family and friends that came to celebrate with us.
It was a very nice day.
Wow!!! He has gotten chubby! We especially love that picture of Jennie & Corban. They both look positively radiant.
So glad to hear how well things went today. Looking forward to even more pics when you are able.
Félicitations, les Bixby, et très bien fait, Patience !
We are here at the Bible Institute where Dad is teaching this week. Dad,Crystal and I just looked at the blog. How exciting!! It would have been wonderful to have been there, but... Corban is growing too quickly. I agree with the others--the picture is precious. And bravo for Patience for taking charge so sweetly!
What an exciting moment in history. So would love to have been there. Mom and I (with Crystal) are up at Algrange teaching in the Bible Institute. I'm going to give as one of their homework assignments to go to the blog, and meet Corban and his entourage. I love you all. Amazing grace.
Kiss Corban's toes for me! And then his chubby hands, and then his pink cheeks......I think you get the idea......I'm absolutely DYING HERE!!!!
Praise the Lord! How wonderful.
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