Friday, February 09, 2007

Corban's Rough Day

Poor little Corban had a rough day. After two days of being on antibiotics the doc didn't think that his left breast was healing fast enough. So today around noon he was admitted to Swedish American Hospital where a couple of hours later three nurses and his two parents held him down while the doctor pierced him with her scalpel (?) and began "draining" him (more like wringing him if you ask his daddy). It was not a pleasant experience for any of us. Even the doctor (who is a lovely lady with a very tender approach) felt queasy after it was all done. Before she cut him, Corban looked up at her with peaceful brown eyes and she said, "Oh, please don't look at me with those eyes. I'm going to do something horrible to you." In the picture above you see him with a clear bandage holding down a "numbing cream" (like we believe that) prior to the procedure.

He is sleeping now.

The chaplain of the hospital attends our church. He came up several times to be with us. He prayed with us too. Bill and Nancy Hunt came and Bill read a Psalm to us and prayed with us. Very pastoral. I couldn't help but be touched that several took it upon themselves to do the "pastoral" thing for us. So far, Cooks and Grandpa and Grandma Martin (and Aunt Ruth) have come to pay the little man a visit. Hopefully, he will be released soon. The doctor didn't sound optimistic that he would be released tomorrow although she did admit it was a possibility.

Thanks for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

What a darling little boy! We'll keep you in our prayers.

Dad said...

We shuddered as we prayed in bed last night. We felt almost as bad for Jennie especially and you Bob as for that precious grandchild. We prayed earnestly that he won't have to be lanced again today. Love Dad

Mom and Dad said...

By the way, we don't see a picture either! Praying much for you all.

Bob Bixby said...

I don't understand why because I can see the picture from both of my comptuters.

Daniel said...

We prayed for you guys, and thought a lot about you and Corban this weekend. Will continue to pray.