Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
The "New" Look!
Thought you all might like to see the new look at home here. We got blinds for the living room\dining room and Dad just got them all up. It really changes the look of the house. I still need to shorten them but we are pretty happy with our new found "privacy"! We wonder why we didn't do it years ago.

Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I finally did it!
Tonight I went with my friend, Kylie, to get my ears pierced! It didn't hurt TOO badly, and I'm glad I made the brave decision. (Isabelle was dying to go with and get hers peirced too, but that did not happen. She stayed home with her brother.) We went to a place in the Mall of America, and a girl from church who worked their did them for us.
PA and NJ: Our trip 2 of 2

In Lancaster, I think Brenda managed to find some outlet shops and keep herself busy. The kids were always on the lookout for a horse and buggy.
On Monday night (after I had crab for dinner), we drove up to Hershey and went through the chocolate factory. It was fun. The kids had a blast. Of course, we also managed to spend a few dollars at the store they dump the "free" ride into.
We checked out of the hotel on Tuesday. Brenda picked me up from work, and we drove east to New Jersey. We spent the night about a half hour from the ocean.
Wednesday we spent at Ocean City, NJ. It was the first real day that felt like a vacation for me. We are typical Minnesotans, however, and not great beach goers. We managed to all get fried.
Wednesday night we drove back closer to Philadelphia, and flew out from there on Thursday morning.
Thursday was spent recouperating from our vacation, and seeing our new niece (Wendy and Eric's baby girl).
Friday, I took the day off and we went to our church retreat. We were there all day Saturday as well. It is good to be home.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Washington, D.C.: Our trip 1 of 2

I arrived in D.C. on Monday, and the family came out on Tuesday. It was fun to drive to the airport to pick them up, and them bring them back to my "home."
Our first hotel was our nicest, an Embassy Suites by the Washington-Dulles aiport. It was close to the new Air and Space Museum, the second building that now houses all of the "big" stuff. Brenda and the kids went there on Wednesday, while I was teaching. They had fun. There was a space shuttle there, a Concord, etc.
On Thursday, they drove down to Mount Vernon, and basically spent the day there. They had a blast.
I didn't teach on Friday, so we had the day to drive into the city. We spent all that day and Saturday touring. It was a blast. We started at the Capitol, where an intern from our Senator's office gave us a tour of the Senate side. We even got to sit in the assembly, while the other (liberal) freshman senator from MN talked. Pretty funny, as there is obviously a pecking order. She got to speak because there was literally one other senator in there.
A few years ago, while at Rimage, I had trained some guys from the House of Representatives, who promised an inside tour if I ever came. They held their promise, and it was great. We went to a lot of places that most don't go to, I'm sure. It was fun to stand where the President gives his State of the Union address, etc. It took a little more time than we had hoped, but it was fun. We ate lunch in the House cafeteria.
Saturday, was mostly taken touring the monuments and other Smithsonian exhibits, and also the Holocaust Museum. If you ever are in D.C., that is a MUST SEE! Not fun, but very moving and powerful.
It was also moving to read Lincoln's 2nd inaugural address. A powerful treatise on the sovereignty of God, there on display for everyone to read. It felt like we walked ten miles.
Sunday, we went to Capitol Hill Baptist Church. It was a good service, good sermon and music. The only thing we sort of missed, was an organ. I'm not a huge organ person, but that old building begged for a big pipe organ.
That ended our stay and D.C. I'll let the others comment on it, and later I'll add about the rest of our trip.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Encore Au Revoir!

Monday night we had the Christys over for supper (minus Jana who is at camp). It was a "double" good-bye -- Crystal was leaving the next day and the Christys leave on furlough Aug. 1. Of course, this is a big one for them as Grant will be starting at BJ in the fall. We had a really nice evening and, as you can see, making ice cream was a major part of it!
Monday, July 16, 2007
VBS 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
"Our" Dog!

This morning when Dad went outside, we had a first time visitor--and he didn't want to leave. The kids loved him and wanted to know if the "church" could keep him. We thought that someone had come for him because he was gone before the English service, but our new neighbors (whom we didn't even know we had!) just brought him back to spend the night with us. He had gone to their house and they had walked around trying to find the owner. We are excited because they are really friendly--and expecting a baby in about 3 weeks. And NO, we are not keeping the dog! Do you older kids remember when that beautiful collie showed up at our back door in Africa?
Surprise Good-bye Party for Crystal!

Today after the fellowship meal, the children played their instruments and recited the 10 Commandments for Crystal. Then they had a couple of gifts for her. Audrey made a cake for the occasion and --guess what--she was really surprised. She has been loved by all here and will be missed. This was not her last Sunday (next week is) but most of the children are leaving tomorrow on vacation.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
July 4th Picnic!
Our July 4th picnic was a smashing success all the way down to the weather. It was a gorgeous day and our hosts were wonderful! The McKnights and Hursts had us in their back yards and it worked out splendidly. You will all be proud to know that Brian and Tim both placed in the dessert contest. The guys did a pretty good job this year! As always, Judy had great prizes for them--I was wishing that I had been able to compete! :-) The bottom right picture is Jess going on and on and on about how his dessert should win the top award! His is the treasure chest--it DID win for creativity. Was a fun day. Can't wait to see about all of your days.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
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