Our July 4th picnic was a smashing success all the way down to the weather. It was a gorgeous day and our hosts were wonderful! The McKnights and Hursts had us in their back yards and it worked out splendidly. You will all be proud to know that Brian and Tim both placed in the dessert contest. The guys did a pretty good job this year! As always, Judy had great prizes for them--I was wishing that I had been able to compete! :-) The bottom right picture is Jess going on and on and on about how his dessert should win the top award! His is the treasure chest--it DID win for creativity. Was a fun day. Can't wait to see about all of your days.

Bravo! You two guys need to come out here and teach Dad how to bake!
Our day?? It was rather normal. Maybe the 14th will be different.
looks like you had a lot of fun. the cake decor contest was a smashing idea. =}
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