This morning when Dad went outside, we had a first time visitor--and he didn't want to leave. The kids loved him and wanted to know if the "church" could keep him. We thought that someone had come for him because he was gone before the English service, but our new neighbors (whom we didn't even know we had!) just brought him back to spend the night with us. He had gone to their house and they had walked around trying to find the owner. We are excited because they are really friendly--and expecting a baby in about 3 weeks. And NO, we are not keeping the dog! Do you older kids remember when that beautiful collie showed up at our back door in Africa?
Yes, but to my recollection it wasn't a collie. It was a Belgian Shepherd.
Mom, I don't see any pictures with you and the dog! What's up with that?!!!
Mom, I really feel strongly that you guys should keep the dog. I mean, really--you wouldn't need to trouble with a secuity system, you wouldn't have to go on walks with Dad, and all of the leftover food would be happily lapped up instead of going to the trash.....consider the benefits! Furthermore, I can sense that Dad is already smitten!
Oh, Daniel has researched what kind of breed 'Za Za' was......it's still his favorite.....before you ask, the answer is no, we have to have a different house first. :-)
I 'triple dog dare you' to get a picture of mom within an inch of the dog, dad! ;-)
ZaZa was the black and white Border Collie.... The big, well-trained monster of a dog that behaved so properly when we fed him, didn't walk on the rug, etc, etc, was, I though a German Shepherd. Can't remember his name, but the Muhrs ended up keeping him and, over time, he lost his manners.
ZaZa died a martyrs death. She was poisoned. The price dogs must pay to keep guard over the horded and unused barrels of junk of missionaries.
So ... have we made a convert, yet? I'm really hoping Mom is getting practice so that she'll be able to babysit our dog sometimes when we go to France. ;-)
The dog is gone---hear the tears? He is in doggy pound to see if his master shows up. If not, after two weeks our new neighbors want him back! By the way, Dad says that Dan is right--the polite dog was a Belgian Shepherd and Brenda, fyi, the dog put his head in my lap when I was getting out of the car yesterday. It was a traumatic experience! Thankfully, no one had a camera.
Boo Hoo!!! Oh well, now your house is all prepped for Tim and Ruth's Maribel! :-) Mom, you're just too fun to tease! :-)
Yes, Danno has quite the fond memories of ZaZa....the kids love it when he talks about 'his' dog, in hopes he decides he wouldn't want to deprive his children of going through life without a ZaZa. :-)
I vote that the Dan Bixbys get a dog.
Does it's name have to start with an 'M'? :-)
Wow, I sense some softening on the dog issue from Brenda Lou! How about ZaZa for a name? Hey, did you know that if you were going to be an actor/actress you should take the name of your first dog and your mother's maiden name and you usually have a perfect screen name? That would mean ours would be ZaZa Morgan! Now is that spiffy or what?! :-)
Just so you know how to spell all the "M"s: It's Mirabel, not Maribel.
No offense taken. I know we have made all your lives difficult with name spelling!
Oh dear, I can't even get the canine name right?! So sorry!!!! ;-)
Donna, for me it would be 'Buttons Martin'.......Doesn't do a whole lot for me! What do you think?!
OK. This is fun. For me, it would be "Sheba Crawford". What do ya think? ;-)
What do you do if you never had a dog????
...not that I'm complaining, though!
I have to say the Buttons Martin isn't too screen namish, but the Sheba Crawford is GREAT!!! ;-)
No dog? Hmmm....... Nothing Morgan!
Oh la la-----------you all are way too much. But Zaza Morgan does sound cool. Let's see, I never had a dog but our family did so it would be Blondie Benjamin. Definitely a no winner!
Poor Jo! Do you all realize that there are a few disadvantages to being the youngest child? No dog!
Brian could fix that.
Mrs. Bixby thinks my screen name is really cool, so here goes :). . .
Molly Martin. I really don't harbor fond memories of my first dog, Molly, but at least she gave me a good screen name!
The first dog that I can remember having was Frisky. So my name would be Frisky Watts.
I don't mean to interfere with revised family history, but I think (and I am very willing to be corrected) that our first dog was Molly, a black mutt and a mongrel that would be better forgotten then remembered, much like the Sperling's Molly.
Molly Morgan.
I love the name Frisky Watts!
I never knew Molly, so that doesn't count! I LOVE the name Frisky Watts! and I think Molly Martin is good, too, though not as cool as ZaZa Morgan!
Our family never had a Molly to Mom's and my recollection. Bob. YOu had a Dolly later, in the states. Your first dog was Puddles. In Sibut
So you're saying Bob should be ... "Puddles Morgan". Hhhmmmm... not bad, at least nearly as good as "Frisky Watts". But I'd suggest you both leave those names to the stage and not attempt to wear them in the pulpit!
Yes, you're right it was Dolly. I forgot about Puddles. Not sure I remember, but Puddles rings a bell.
And... were you emphasizing the YOU in your remark about "my" Dolly? Or was that just a typo?
Granted, I know I played a major role in the acquisitioning of the despicable little mutt, but that was merely because of my status as eldest. I was too young at the time to shoulder ALL the blame. Certainly parents should share in the shame, don't you think!!!!!
This is all way too amusing! :-)
Oh dear, what fun we have had reading all of these comments. We're cracking up!!!
I REALLY like Frisky Watts and Puddles Morgan. WAY TOO FUNNY!
Please post the next time a stray dog comes to visit the Bixby Chateau!!!
Brian, I think that was a challenge from TIMOTHY!!!! C'mon!!!
--D and B in DC
Bob, that was pure typo. No blame intended. I did remember that it was your's. I think Puddles was too, by virtue of your being the eldest, since Dan was a tiny baby. Now why we did that I can't remember. Probably Bruce and Wilma thought we needed protection.
Who was "Boots"? I have this vague memory of getting a dog in Greenville by that name one furlough.
All I have to say is ... at one time Mom must have been much more tolerant of pets than she is now. Who knew the BIXBY family had so many pets????
Yes, Brian AND D&B, it's a veritable DOUBLE-DOG-DARE!
Up to this point I have been thoroughly amused.....hoping to remain silent and observe the "dog" talk.....but having been challenged by my brother-in-law, I must not remain silent....duty demands it. :-) Furthermore, one doesn't normally receive a double-dog dare in his lifetime....so who could remain silent???
All that to say, dogs remain quite far from my mind. Things like cribs, strollers, diapers, and the such have occupied the recesses of my brain.....I wonder why? Besides, dogs and I have not had a good history together.
Thus, I have spoken. brian
Sounds like a story, or two or three, Brian.
I had many a dog in my day, only one of which did not die viiolently. Scottie only, died of old age. But I still love (well like) dogs. My disinterest in dogs, unlike Mother's, is purely logistical and egotistical. I'll love anybody's dog to death at his house but not at mine.
I had many a dog in my day, only one of which did not die viiolently. Scottie only, died of old age. But I still love (well like) dogs. My disinterest in dogs, unlike Mother's, is purely logistical and egotistical. I'll love anybody's dog to death at his house but not at mine.
I though having 40 comments would be cool.
It's my kind of humor.
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