Above you see our resort. We stayed in a two-room suite on the first floor of the white building in the first picture. We thoroughly enjoyed the mini golf course onsite. As you might have guessed already, Tim was the reigning champ.

Above are many views of Colonial Williamsburg (Governor's Palace, fife & drum march--a real favorite of the kids, some funny-looking 18th-century prisoners, etc.) plus a few of Yorktown. The church in the pic with Micaiah & Tim is the Bruton Parish Church where we enjoyed the candlelight organ recital. The pistol-packing mama at Yorktown gave us quite the show!

The picture of Tim & me was only the second picture Micaiah has ever taken in his entire life! The first definitely wasn't worth posting. ;-)

Here we are just hanging out with Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence.

And here we are giving our best effort at blending in with the culture. Tell me those aren't the cutest little Patriots you've ever seen. If you're not yet bored out of your mind, there are a few more pics posted at the
Thomas Tales blog.
Great!! We will have lots of cute pics to dream about!
Oh wow! Miciah and Miriam look SO ADORABLE dressed up!
It looks like you had a great time.
Thanks for posting.
Ya'll be sure to click on the link to the Thomas Tale blog, because there's some really darling shots there!
Ruth, I love the one of you and Miriam on the Ferry ride. DARLING!
Oh, it looks like you guys had a super fun time! I can't wait to hear all about. I did get some big hugs on Sunday--it was good to have my little munchkins back. See you in a couple of hours!
The shoes.... I love 'em! And looking in the mirror--too precious!
Whose hand is holding Jefferson's glasses on? It can't be Ruth's or she is double-jointed... Ouch..
What a fun vacation!! I'm glad that you all got to set out for a while and enjoy some sights!! Those kids are darling in ALL the pictures. Can't wait to get on hands on them in a few weeks!!
Bob, that's DEFINITELY Ruth's hand. That's what you call a TALENTED gal! Hold a child on lap, hold sunglasses on Jeff, pose and smile beautifully; all in a day's work.
Excellent pics! Nice job, Micaiah, on your picture taking stunt! Glad you all had a great time.
Brenda is absolutely right. It is my hand. Thanks for being so impressed with my talents, Bob.
You have a very thin thumb. I thought it was your little finger.
I've always thought my wife's thumbs were very elegant.
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