Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just Readin', Auntie Donna!

I was working on downloading all the pictures Brenda sent me for the calendar (Thank you, Brenda), when the phone rang, so I went to answer. The kids were "chillin" in the hallway--having moved the couch on their own and set up their own "reading hall". I HAD to get pics! Hmmm...will my house ever be the same again?!! :-) I'm lovin' it!!!
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Daniel said...

"...Having moved the couch on their own..." !!! Wow. There MUST be something extra in the Greenville water!

Cute pics.

JennieB said...

Nope, your house will never be the same again! The quietness after they are gone will be louder than ever!! What cute kids!! We are MISSING them this holiday season!! I tell you all if we don't get you ALL to come to Rockford next Thanksgiving I am going to be bitter!!!