Monday, December 31, 2007

Together in Rockford!

Here are some shots taken yesterday. We had a wonderful day. It was great to see Bob's new church building and see lots of people we know there, too. Then we came home for a wonderful meal à la Jennie. In the evening, we celebrated Christmas together. You have to guess who is taller--Brenda or Elise--since the tops of their heads are not there!


TRBix said...

You have definitely whet my appetite. Where are the pics? (By the way, I'm guessing Elise is taller???)

Donna said...

Oh, I'm soooo bitter not to be there! Looks like lots of fun. Based on the fact that Elise's shoulders and ears are higher--I go with Elise! (Ruth, you must be having comp issues, the pics are there.)

Brian said...

How Fun!!! I'm so glad you all are together. The pics are wonderful! Wish we could all be together, but I'm enjoying spending time with my precious little bundle!

TRBix said...

I see the pics now! They're great.

Aunt B said...

Well, believe it or not, I THINK that I am still barely taller than my daughter. We need to get out the level tonight and check for sure......who knows with the rate she's growing she could have grown during the night last night to make me a liar! :-) Needless to say it's just a matter or days or weeks before she's zooming past her shrimpy mom. :-)